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SSD are Disk objects of type SSD.


Name Unit Default value Description Example
units None 1 SSD quantity 2
usage None See Usage See usage ..
type None SSD "SSD" SSD
capacity Go 1000;100;5000 Capacity of a ssd disk 500
density cm2/Go (avg;min;max) in our dataset cm2 per Go on a ssd wafer 48.5
manufacturer None None Name of the CPU manufacturer Samsung
model None None .. ..
layers None None Number of layers 64

Embedded impacts

Impacts criteria

Criteria Implemented Source
gwp yes Green Cloud Computing, 2021
adp yes Green Cloud Computing, 2021
pe yes Green Cloud Computing, 2021
gwppb no
gwppf no
gwpplu no
ir no
lu no
odp no
pm no
pocp no
wu no
mips no
adpe no
adpf no
ap no
ctue no
ctuh_c no
ctuh_nc no
epf no
epm no
ept no

Impact factors

The following variables can be completed


if manufacturer is given, density can be retrieved from a fuzzy matching on our ssd repository. If several ssd matches the given manufacturer the average value is given and min and max value are used as min and max fields.

Manufacture impact

For one SSD the embedded impact is:

\[ \text{SSD}_\text{embedded}^\text{criteria} = (\text{SSD}_{\text{capacity}} / \text{SSD}_{\text{density}}) * \text{SSD}_\text{embedded_die}^\text{criteria} + \text{SSD}_\text{embedded_base}^\text{criteria} \]


Constant Units Value
\(\text{SSD}_\text{embedded_die}^\text{gwp}\) kgCO2eq/cm2 2.20
\(\text{SSD}_\text{embedded_die}^\text{adp}\) kgSbeq/cm2 6.30E-05
\(\text{SSD}_\text{embedded_die}^\text{pe}\) MJ/cm2 27.30
\(\text{SSD}_\text{embedded_base}^\text{gwp}\) kgCO2eq 6.34
\(\text{SSD}_\text{embedded_base}^\text{adp}\) kgSbeq 5.63E-04
\(\text{SSD}_\text{embedded_base}^\text{pe}\) MJ 76.90


If there are more than 1 SDD we multiply \(\text{SSD}_\text{embedded}^\text{criteria}\) by the number of SSD given in units.

Usage impact

Only power consumption is implemented.