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Component routes

Available components :

  • cpu
  • ram
  • power-supply
  • ssd
  • hdd
  • case
  • motherboard
  • assembly

POST /v1/component/<component_name>

You can send an empty component. In this case, only archetype values will be used


You can set a units. If so, all the impacts will be multiplied by the number of units.

    "units": 2

POST /v1/component/cpu

All needed information are sent

   "core_units": 24,
   "die_size_per_core": 245

Incomplete CPU, die-size will be retrieved with the cpu family and core_units

   "core_units": 24,
   "family": "Skylake",

Incomplete CPU, family will be retrieved from cpu name, die-size will be retrieved with the cpu family and core_units

   "core_units": 24,
   "name": "Intel Xeon Gold 6138f",

POST /v1/component/ssd

    "capacity": 400,
    "density": 50.6
All needed information are sent

   "capacity": 500,
   "manufacturer": "Samsung",
Incomplete SSD, die-size will be retrieved with the manufacturer name

POST /v1/component/ram

    "capacity": 32,
    "density": 1.79
All needed information are sent

    "capacity": 32,
    "manufacturer": "Samsung",
    "process": 30.0
Incomplete RAM, die-size will be retrieved with the manufacturer name and the process

POST /v1/component/hdd

HDD impacts have a fix value

POST /v1/component/motherboard

motherboard impacts have a fix value

POST /v1/component/power_supply

    "unit_weight": 10
All needed information are sent

POST /v1/component/case

  "case_type": "rack"
rack impacts have a fix value

  "case_type": "blade"
blade impacts have a fix value

case_type will be set to depending on the archetype


See usage